Bologna, 27 April 2020. DHH S.p.A. (“DHH”) (DHH.MI | WDHH21.MI) (ISIN shares IT0005203622 | ISIN warrants IT0005203689), the cloud computing provider of Southeast Europe, convened today at Princivalle Apruzzi Danielli Law Firm, exclusively through the Designated Representative as indicated in the notice of call of the Meeting which was published on Il Sole 24 Ore and on the website of DHH.
The Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of DHH has:
- approved the financial statements of DHH as of 31 December 2019, resolving the full coverage for the loss for the year, for Euro 7.201,41 through the use of the Extraordinary Reserve as for Euro 169.685,17 through the use of the Share Premium Reserve;
- authorized the purchase and disposal of own shares. The purchase may be carried out within 18 months from the date of the resolution, until a maximum amount of treasury shares that does not exceed overall the maximum limit of 10% of the share capital to a unit price not lower in the min. of 15% and not more than in the max of 15% to the reference price that the title will have recorded in the marketplace proceedings precedent of every single transaction;
- determinated the fees of Board of Directors’ members for the year 2020.
The Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of DHH has also acknowledged the presentation of the consolidated financial statements as of 31st December 2019.
Availability of related documentation
The minutes of the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting will be made available to the public on the website of DHH ( to the extent and when established by current laws and regulations.