DHH will join the second edition of the “NEXT GEMs” conference

Milan, 10 November 2021. DHH S.p.A. (“DHH” or the “Company”) (DHH.MI | WDHH21.MI) (ISIN shares IT0005203622), the cloud computing provider of Southeast Europe, announces its participation on Tuesday 30 November 2021 in the second edition of “NEXT GEMs” event (www.nextgems.it) will be held in physical edition at the Italian Stock Exchange – Euronext Group in Milan (Piazza Affari, Palazzo Mezzanotte), and will be dedicated to listed companies with a capitalization that does not exceed € 100 million.

The Conference offers a significant opportunity to meet the main Italian and international institutional investors with the opportunity to present the entrepreneurial project, the achieved results, and the future perspectives in one-to-one and group meetings.

The event is organized by Virgilio IR (www.virgilioir.com) in collaboration with T.W.I.N (https://twin.services/); Banca Akros (www.bancaakros.it), Banca Profilo (www.bancaprofilo.it), Envent Capital Markets (www.enventcapitalmarkets.co.uk) and Intermonte (www.intermonte.it) as Main Sponsors.

The investor presentation is available online: https://www.dhh.international.

For registration and more information: www.nextgems.it